Canine claws celebre
Reid J. Epstein
Published 4/30/2002
At 3 years old, Brooklyn native
Tillamook Cheddar is very young to be opening her sixth New York art gallery
exhibition. At 15 inches and 18 pounds, she's also very small. Tillie,
as the Jack Russell terrier is known, opened her latest show April 25
at the National Arts Club. "Collarobations" - which marks the
first time the dog has joined with humans to create art - is scheduled
to run for three weeks.
Despite her success, Tillie, who is named after a popular brand of Oregon
cheese, has skeptics who have yet to see her art, which looks like a series
of colored scratches on paper. Jerry Saltz, the influential art critic
at the Village Voice, called it "a sham."
But her patron, O. Aldon James Jr., the president of the National Arts
Club, said that knocking Tillie discounts the possibility of millions
of potential artists.
"Why be so species-centric to believe that the naked ape is the only
one that can make art," he said. Mr. James predicted the exhibit "will
enlarge the audience for art."
It probably should come to no surprise that the National Arts Club is
sponsoring an exhibition of Tillie's art. After all, the club once
had a dog - Malcolm, the actress Sylvia Sydney's pug - as a member.
Animals producing art is not necessarily a new idea. "Why Cats Paint"
was a hit book in 1994. Many zoos give their elephants paintbrushes and
easels to conquer the animals' boredom. Even bird droppings have been
considered art, with one selling for $6,000 in a Dallas gallery. There
is even a Museum of Non Primate Art in New Zealand, which has sponsored
such exhibitions as "Termites: Their Art & Architecture" and "The
Poetry and Prose of Pachyderm Prints."
But unlike the elephants and cats that have painted in unnatural environments,
Tillie's art is natural, said her owner, Bowman Hastie. And unlike
the termite and pachyderm exhibits, Mr. Hastie believes Tillie understands
what she is doing when she creates the seemingly random scratches across
her 9-by-12-inch canvases.
"She's really into the process," Mr. Hastie said. "She
doesn't much care for the finished product."
Tillie may not, but her owner sure does. "Collarobations" will
mark Tillie's sixth show. Her first, "Dog Tag," was in October
1999. Mr. Hastie said Tillie's two-dimensional work sells for from
$150 to $500. A biography - tentatively titled "Portrait of the Dog
as a Young Artist" - is in the works and a small fan club is in place.
She has her own Web site (www.tillamookcheddar.com).
He even counts her earnings against his income taxes, and writes off her
expenses as deductions.
"I'm hoping soon she'll be supporting me," said Mr. Hastie,
who is a free-lance writer and editor.
While Tillie is the one making the art, Mr. Hastie may be the real artist.
He prepares her materials and, obviously, negotiates for her work to be
displayed. But more importantly, said Jon Kessler, the chairman of Columbia
University's visual arts department, he allows her to create art without
any inhibitions.
"In the end, Bowman might be the one that is the Wizard of Oz behind
the curtain here," said Mr. Kessler, who worked with Tillie on a piece
that will appear in "Collarobations." "It's the ultimate
modesty, putting the dog out front. It shows Bowman's genius as an
On a recent afternoon, Mr. Hastie was setting up for Tillie to work in
his Brooklyn Heights living room. As he prepared the canvas - bristol
board and colored transfer paper wrapped with transparent duct tape -
she paced anxiously, her heavy panting mixed with short barks and growls.
By the time Mr. Hastie finished tightly taping the boards, Tillie was
excited enough to leap 2 feet in the in air, snatch them out of his hand
and go to work.
"She's pretty calm except when she's working," Mr. Hastie
said. "She gets riled up for that, and for squirrels. She loves to
chase squirrels."
She started the piece by carefully licking the tape - "priming it,"
Mr. Hastie said - before her work began in earnest. Then she clawed at
the board as if she was trying to dig through it, creating tension between
the paper and the board. Mr. Hastie took the canvas away from her after
10 minutes, but not before she bit off one corner.
"Because she tore it, I don't know how hard I'll try to sell
them," Mr. Hastie said, holding up the two pieces of paper, each covered
with Tillie's scratch marks and featuring a big hole at one end, which
could enhance the piece. "She's on the fringe of the art world,
so maybe this reflects that."
Not surprisingly, some are skeptical about Tillie's status as a fringe
artist. Mr. Saltz said it does not surprise him that Mr. Hastie compares
his dog's seemingly random scratches to famous works by the abstract
artist Jackson Pollock.
"Inevitably when an animal makes art it is compared to one abstract
expressionist or another. If a dog makes Mondrians I'd be interested,"
he said, referring to the Dutch painter.
But other critics are willing to throw Tillie a bone.
"Since a lot of the art humans do is just scratches on paper, I don't
see why we can't accept it from dogs," said Howard Kissel, who
covers fine arts for the New York Daily News. "But my hunch is that
she's not at all influenced by Jackson Pollock."
Tillie's art career started when she was 5 months old. Mr. Hastie
was sitting on his couch writing on a yellow legal pad when Tillie jumped
onto his lap and began scratching at the paper, which had carbon paper
underneath it.
"I took it as a sign that she was trying to write," Mr. Hastie
said. "It struck me as something interesting and different."
Ever since then Mr. Hastie has been providing Tillie with her canvas and
letting her take over. Other than choosing the color of the transfer paper,
Tillie has complete artistic control.
"Inevitably I end up imposing my thoughts and tastes on her,"
Mr. Hastie said. "But I try not to be calculating."
Mr. Hastie feeds her cheese after she finishes each piece, but he said
it serves as consolation for releasing her work rather than payment for
doing it.
"She gets very agitated when I take them away from her," he said.
Tillie's future depends in part on how well the "Collarobations"
show is received. Mr. Hastie said her work has improved since her 1999
debut - "Her art has gotten more focused. I think she's more intense
about it," he said. He hopes to find a gallery that will offer her
a full-time position. Meanwhile, she scratches away on Mr. Hastie's
floor and chases squirrels as he worries about her spot in the New York
art world.
"Maybe once she's fully accepted she'll be able to do a stick
series," Mr. Hastie said Tillie presented him with a stick twice as
long as she is tall. "Maybe she can get an art residency out of the
city and just work with things in the natural environment."
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